Sunday, March 20, 2016

What Time Is It - Time to Join Together

Dave Haenke speaks Succession Forestry at O.N.E

The Ozarks Neighborly Exchange, O.N.E. is a group of neighbors joined together in actions to thoughtfully improve their local area, build community, and nurture the environment.

Bonzo visited a few years back to listen to the thoughts of succession forest strategist David Haenke.  David's expertise and lifelong commitment was immediately apparent as he shared more enlightenment in half hour than gleaned from months of online research.

Other speakers that day were equally fascinating.  Topics included biochar, permaculture, year round indoor growing in Missouri, crops selection, and community building.

Positive energy and good will flow all day long.  Very encouraging to see the results when a community joins together to build a whole greater than the sum of the parts.

  • What:  O.N.E. Congress
  • When: Saturday, April 2, 2016, 7:30 AM to 5:30 PM
  • Where:  Lutie High School, Theodosia, MO

Who includes David Yarrow, world renowned "carbon smart" biochar advocate and regular Acres magazine contributor.  Plus many more speakers for a full day of talks on living well on our earth.

Bonzo will be there with biochar kilns including the JAKE in operation.

Jim Corbett of reports on community solution to modern problems.  "A spirit of sharing"

O.N.E. 2014 Community Building

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